We catch up with tattoo artist and printmaker Em Jaxon, who specialises in vibrant lino prints and patterns.
When/how did you first start Print making?
I’d tried bits of printmaking throughout my education, but it wasn’t until I discovered screen printing at uni that I knew I’d found my thing. Once I graduated and no longer had access to the facilities, I transferred my love for that into Lino Printing.
What first attracted you to making prints as opposed to other mediums?
Thinking in layers and overlays, in terms of both forming an image and the colours, was something that came quite naturally to me. I’ve always been process driven, so I think the technicalities of creating the art is valuable to me, as much as the final print.

Do you have a favourite print you've made to date?
I have a favourite collection of prints more-so than one single print. I created a cheeky character when I made ‘The Weatherman’ - he’s a demonic fella with colourful robes. But it’s his little face that I’ve continued to use in other print designs that I’m most fond of. You can see the same face design in my ‘Check Mate’ & ‘Worm Cats’ prints (and in an upcoming print I’m working on).

'The Weatherman' by Em Jaxon @lanabagu
Did it take long to perfect your technique?
I’d say I still haven’t perfected my technique haha, I’m always challenging myself and trying new processes and materials. But I’ve been making my art full time for almost 3 years now, so I can definitely see my improvements.
When did you career transpire into tattooing?
It probably sounds cliché, but I’ve wanted to be a tattoo artist since I was a kid. I studied Fine Art at college and Illustration at uni as a stepping stone to becoming one, and just happened to fall in love with printmaking along the way! But I started my apprenticeship around 18 months ago and started tattooing a year ago.
How are you finding learning the art of tattooing?
There’s peaks and troughs as I imagine there is with any career path. But ultimately I love it; it’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I love being my own boss, I’m honoured people want my kooky designs on them, it keeps me interested, excited, and eager to learn, and I have such lovely customers and co-workers who I’m so grateful for.

What are you most looking forward to in the future?
I’ve seen the progress tattoo artists tend to make in the space of a few years, so I can only work my butt off and hope to do the same. I’d also love to do some guest spots and travel with my work. I’ve always wanted to see the world and I can’t imagine a better way to travel than alongside the work I love doing.

For more from Em, check her prints out @lanabagu and tattoos @lanabagutattoo.
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